吉野杉の舞良戸 2枚
吉野杉 柾目板の舞良戸 2枚組
奈良県の 材木問屋の御住居で使われていたものです
室内側のみ 引き手がついています
Mairado, Straight-grained sliding batten doors
A pair of vintage sliding batten doors made of Yoshino Sugi Japanese cedar.
Used at the private home of an wood wholesaler in Nara pref. ,
the birthplace of Yoshino Sugi cedars.
Door pulls are attached to the side with horizontal battens.
Sash rollers aren't attached.
寸法 Dimentions(mm)
高さ height 1740mm
横幅 width 975mm
厚み thickness 29mm
縦枠の見込 vertical frame width 33mm
取付必要開口寸法 opening width 1917mm
西濃運輸 (大型品)
Domestic Shipping : Seino Transport (Large size)
Shipping rate
Discount shipping rate is available when delivering to the business places
(including solo proprietor/home business owner's office)